Our AGM was held Friday night last online through Microsoft Teams. Thanks to all outgoing officers for their commitment throughout the year and best wishes to our incoming officers. The following are the officers for 2021.
President : Margaret Kennedy.
Chairperson : Siobhan O'Neill.
Vice chairperson: Benny Cummins.
Secretary: Aine Heffernan.
Assistant secretary: Claire Ryan.
Treasurer: Geraldine Ryan.
Assistant treasurer: Ciannait Walsh.
PRO: Micheal O'Dwyer/ Siobhan O Neill.
Registrar: Anne O'Dwyer.
Insurance Officer: Anne O'Dwyer.
Children’s officer: Margaret Kelly.
Development officer: Josephine "Oc" O'Dwyer.
Events manager: Tina Heffernan.
Team Managements were also appointed for the 2021 season. Best of luck to all concerned in the coming year.